Tops Gyms in Plainfield, IN

Did you make a deal with yourself this year to get healthier and in better shape than you’ve ever been? If that goal seems a little lofty at this point in the year, just know that it’s never too late to start. It doesn’t need to be Monday, you don’t have to do the same thing every day, and you can even get your family involved in the action at one of these top three gyms in the Plainfield area.

The Flipzone

Here you can get your child on the right track to learn great exercise habits with some intensive gymnastics training, tumbling, or even some cheerleading and The Flipzone. Teach them the discipline that being on a team requires and get them ready for life with commitments and fun working hand in hand.

At The Flipzone, they will learn many different skills that will allow them to advance and prosper when they reach their adult years. Guess what! It’s not only about the kids here, as they also offer adult tumbling classes. Refresh some past cheerleading knowledge, increase your flexibility, or just do it to have fun, but get into better shape at the same time. Check out their Facebook page for more info.

Hoosier Gymnastics

Do you want to teach your child the value of teamwork, while also increasing their athletic ability at Hoosier Gymnastics? They want to help to increase your child’s confidence, enhance their social skills, and teach them the discipline they’ll need to thrive in the adult world, all while learning a powerful skill set.

Gymnastics has been known to work wonders for kids who have difficulty with other sports, as it teaches them the power of their own bodies, so they’re able to be more flexible. This facility offers many different programs whether you just want your kids to do it for fun, for a quick birthday party, or if they want to compete. Take a look at their Facebook page for their operating hours.

Studio Z Fitness

When you want to get in better shape or just find something to keep your time occupied while your kids are at their activities, then look no further than Studio Z Fitness. With over ten instructors to teach you several different fitness programs, you’ll meet your goals or else reach a milestone that you didn’t know you were shooting for.

Check out some Zumba with qualified instructors, use your own body weight with our TRX system, or give spinning a try. They pride themselves on making your fitness fun, as their personal philosophy means not dreading your gym experience. Get in shape, but have fun while you’re doing it and see what they have to offer on their Facebook page.

Shape Up!

When you’re ready to meet your fitness goals or get your kids involved in a great team activity, you can hit up one of these top three hot spots in the Plainfield area. Your dream physique and the health of your kids isn’t far off.